Ex Libris
via Palazzo di Città 21, 10122 Torino
tel. 011.5216419, fax 011.4358610
via Casoria 47, 00172 Roma
telefono 06.7030729
Genoa, 26th October – 7th November 2006
Fourth Edition
Final considerations
Unesco’s World Day of Science for Peace and Development and the conference of the 2005 Nobel Prize Winner Theodor W. Hänsch, provided a fitting end to the fourth edition of the Festival of Science (26th October – 7th November): 60,000 tickets sold (compared to 50,000 in 2005), marking a 20% increase; 205,000 visits to the numerous events in the programme.
Ninety locations, situated in Genoa and all over Liguria, offered 350 events (189 meetings and conferences, 33 special events, 32 shows and films, 58 workshops and 38 exhibitions). Big names have raised a great interest in the public, and in nearly all cases the events were sold out; but visitors have been attracted as well by the opportunity of a "handson approach" to science and its applications.
Most Visited Exhibitions
Superman in the Telecom Area |
33,000 |
Esciential and Wonders in the «Magazzini del Cotone» |
32,500 |
Workshops of the «Magazzini dell’Abbondanza» |
30,000 |
Matefitness, The Rhythm of Shapes and Mathematics Discovered at Palazzo Ducale |
19,500 |
Mirrors: Science and Consciousness at the Mirror |
15,000 |
The Marvels of Science 2006 |
10,500 |
The Factory of Numbers |
6,500 |
Infinitely Close |
5,500 |
Blow Up |
3,000 |
Ray of Light |
2,500 |
Most Attended Conferences
- The Modern Astrophile (Margherita Hack, Corrado Lamberti, Federico Pedrocchi)
- The Ego at the Mirror (Marc Jeannerod, Simona Morini, Pietro Pierconti, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia)
- Surprises in the Foundations of Mathematics (Umberto Bottazzini, Gregory J. Chaitin)
- Molecular Biology and the Theory of Evolution (Guido Barbujani, Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Rodolfo Costa, Telmo Pievani, Olga Rickards, Giorgio Valle)
- The Phenomenology of Mirrors (Ivana Bianchi, Umberto Eco, Ugo Savardi)
- Babel’s Boundaries (Claudia Bianchi, Edoardo Boncinelli, Michele Di Francesco, Giorgio Graffi, Armando Massarenti, Andrea Moro, Nicla Vassallo)
- On the Infinite (Giulio Giorello, Jean-Pierre Luminet)
- Science and Evolution (Marco Ferraguti, Aldo Giorgio Gargani, Giulio Giorello, Salvatore Natoli, Carlo Sini, Franco Rebuffo)
- Happy Birthday, Neanderthal! (Giacomo Giacobini, Giorgio Manzi, Cristopher Stringer, Claudio Tuniz)
- Ethics: Believers Confronting Non-Believers (Enzo Bianchi)
- The Expansion of the Third Culture (John Brockman, Seth Lloyd, Gloria Origgi, Robert Trivers)
- Genetic Conflicts Within Our Bodies (Robert Trivers)
- Life and the Planets (Giovanni Bignami)
- Leonardo Da Vinci: The Unity of Science and Art (Fritjof Capra)
- To the Heart of the Secrets of the Universe (Seth Lloyd)
- The Poet and the Mathematician (Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Edoardo Sanguineti)
- Towards a Science of Well-Being (Daniel Kahneman)
- Real Decisions: Neither Rational nor Whimsical (Daniel Kahneman, Matteo Motterlini, Massimo Piattelli Palmarini)
- Sciences Facing the Mirror Test (Claudio Bartocci, Enrico Beltrametti, Edoardo Boncinelli, Massimo Piattelli Palmarini, Giorgio Vallortigara)
- From Genes to Ecosystems (Dan Brooks, Niles Eldredge, Ryan Gregory, Bruce Lieberman, Wiliam Miller III, Telmo Pievani, Ilya Temkin)
- From the Origin of Life to Language (Edoardo Boncinelli, Terrence Deacon)
- Curve Passages (Lisa Randall)
- Parallel Worlds (Michio Kaku)
- Infinite, Wonderful Shapes (Edoardo Boncinelli, Sean B. Carroll)
- We’re a Mass of Ignorant People. Let’s Talk About That (Edoardo Boncinelli, Flavio Oreglio)
download the complete press release (128 KB)
download the 2006 Festival's presentation (77 KB)
an abstract of the 2006 programme
Click here to download
the programme (PDF, 848 KB) |