The Festival partners

"Progetto Italia" is an important series of initiatives launched by the Telecom Italia Group, testifying to the company's social and civil commitment to Italy.
With its focus on supporting scientific research and cultural, social and sporting initiatives, the project embraces the whole country.
Some of the key goals underpinning the project are to:

contribute to growth in Italy, in keeping with the sense of civil responsibility that has always been part of the company's philosophy;

use the Group's technological resources to support the various initiatives, providing the various activities with the technological capacity available to Telecom Italia;

ensure news of these activities and the values underpinning them reaches as wide an audience as possible, assisted by the Group's medias, La 7 and Virgilio

Liguria is one of the reference territories for the foundation Compagnia di San Paolo; in particular, the Compagnia pays great attention to the initiatives for Genoa, partly in view of its role as the European Capital of Culture 2004.
In keeping with these goals, the Compagnia supports the "Festival della Scienza", an event whose aim is to bring the latest developments of science and technology to the knowledge of the general public via many initiatives.

The Compagnia di San Paolo is a private law association working in the fields of research, education, art, conservation and development of cultural heritage and activities and environmental heritage, health and assistance to the weaker social groups.

Istitutional Sponsor

Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
regione Regione Liguria
provincia Provincia di Genova

"Esciential" Sponsor

eu Commissione Europea

Main sponsors

camcom Camera di Commercio
enel Enel
lottomatica Gioco del Lotto - Lottomatica
grandistazioni Grandi Stazioni
sanofi sanofi aventis


alenia Alenia
sanremo Comune di Sanremo
coop Coop Liguria
finmeccanica Finmeccanica
hp Hewlett Packard
ngc National Geographic Channel
newton Newton


carige Banca Carige
eib Banca Europea per gli Investimenti
cloropuro Cloro Puro
albenga Comune di Albenga e Villanova d’Albenga
enea Enea
focus Focus
geo GEO
iplom IPLOM
lescienze Le Scienze
plasticeurope Plastics Europe

Technical Sponsors

assalbergatori Associazione Albergatori Genova
costa Costa Edutainment
electrolux Electrolux
elettra Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste
feltrinelli La Feltrinelli
loreal L’Oréal
radio3 Radio 3 Scienza
sisvel Sisvel

Cultural partnerships

bc British Council
fondazionecrt Fondazione CRT
Fondazione Garrone
euscea Euscea
secoloxix Il Secolo XIX
infn INFN
instm INSTM - Consorzio Interuniv. Naz. per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali

Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione -
Dir. Scolastica Reg. per la Liguria

Radio 19
cf Teatro Carlo Felice
teatrotosse Teatro della Tosse
teatrostabile Teatro Stabile di Genova
teatrotorino Teatro Stabile di Torino
unesco Unesco
università Università degli Studi di Genova
villacroce Villa Croce

Thanks to

Accademia Ligustica
museigenova Musei di Genova
palazzoprincipe Palazzo del Principe
palazzoducale Palazzo Ducale
portoantico Porto Antico

Download an abstract of the 2006 programme

Click here to download the programme (PDF, 848 KB)