greatest hits
most popular exhibitions, workshops, venues
- 15 000 visitors to the Telecom Italia venue in Piazza delle
- 14 400 visitors to Le meraviglie della scienza (The Wonders
of Science)
- 10 800 visitors to Semplice e complesso (Simple and Complex)
- 10 500 visitors to Le ruote quadrate (Square Wheels)
- 7 000 visitors to the workshops of Le Meraviglie della scienza
in the Magazzini dell'abbondanza
- 4 800 visitors to Micro&Macro
- 3 000 visitors to Gregor Mendel, the genetics genius, at the
Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti
The most popular lectures and round tables
- Una vita meravigliosa. Le teorie dell'evoluzione dopo Stephen
J. Gould (The Theories of Evolution after Stephen J. Gould.
A Wonderful Life) with Niles Eldredge, David Hull, Jonathan
Marks, Steve Olson, Ian Tattersall and Elisabeth Vrba
- Perché la scienza. Cinquant'anni di ricerca sull'evoluzione
umana (Why Science. Fifty Years of Research on Human Evolution)
by Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza
- L'uomo nell'età della tecnica (Man in the Age of Technology)
by Umberto Galimberti
- Contare raccontare. Il duello delle due culture (Counting
and Recounting. The Duel of the Two Cultures) by Carlo Bernardini
and Tullio De Mauro
- Oltre la biologia. Dalle cellule alla mente (Beyond Biology)
From Cells to the Mind) by Edoardo Boncinelli
- Oltre la fisica. Conquiste e dilemmi della fisica contemporanea
(Beyond Physics. Breakthroughs and Dilemmas of Contemporary
Physics) by Tullio Regge
- La scienza del cielo (Science of the Sky) with Giovanni Fabrizio
Bignami, Margherita Hack and Franco Pacini
- The Science of Harry Potter by Roger Highfield
- La scienza dell'incertezza. Quando i numeri ingannano (The
Science of Uncertainty. When Numbers Deceive You) by Gerd Gigerenzer,
Claudio Bartocci, Giulio Giorello and Renato Mannheimer
The most successful shows and events
- La scienza al cinema (Science at the cinema) recorded a total
of 7000 visitors during the twelve days of the Festival
- Dante, scienza e conoscenza (Dante, Science and Knowledge)
by Vittorio Sermonti (1.100 people)
- The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, by Michael Nyman (900
- Thanks to their great popularity the following were repeated:
- KUANT: efficace e divertente (KUANT: effective and fun), Russian
scientific dissemination in Italian by A.S. Krotov, Yu Ossipyan
and Andrej Varlamov
- Le bolle di sapone fra arte e scienza (Soap Bubbles between
Art and Science) by Michele Emmer
For further information, read all the figures
of the Festival della Scienza! |