Festival people

There were 246 animators for 11405 hours of animation, with:
50 aged between 18 and 20
53 aged between 21 and 23
77 aged between 24 and 26
40 aged between 27 and 29
26 over the age of 29

132 speakers (22 foreign speakers e.g.: 7 USA, 3 Russia, 5 UK)
600 Friends of the Festival (80% Genoese)

Women at the Festival
62% women on the team (animators and staff)
148 female animators out of 246
51 accredited female journalists out of 122 total accredited journalists
16 female speakers out of 132

The spaces
42 locations, with a total of 24200 sq. m.
16 restaurants, 11 bars/wine bars, 7 ice cream shops joined in the "Sapori di Scienza" (Tastes of Science)
16 homes in Genoa offered scientists hospitality

The programme
The programme of the 2003 edition of the Festival della Scienza in Genoa included over 170 events in 45 different venues:
  • Exhibitions: 23 of which 8 were hands-on. Set up in various venues around the city of Genoa, they covered topics ranging from science to artistic research.

  • Performances: 10 (theatrical, musical and shows)

  • Lectures: 61

  • Round tables: 17

  • Different events: 21 dazzling events of varying types, from the inaugurations to the tastings of food and beverages produced molecularly, to the video link-ups live from the workstation of Italian researchers in the Antarctic.

  • Research workshops: 28

  • Hands-on workshops: 6

  • Cinema: 29 films, distributed in three venues. The programme included films for different target viewers, projected at 3 different times of the day.

  • The media at the Festival
    The Festival was followed by 19 television stations and 25 radio stations and shown in various news, science, information, culture and entertainment programmes, with a total of 100 television reports and 120 radio link-ups including live programmes, in-depth programmes and news reports. The press gave the Festival constant, ample coverage via 140 Italian local and national daily newspapers and periodicals. During the Festival www.festivalscienza.it registered 2 500 000 visits to the site.
    The greatest hits

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