Under the Patronage of the President of
the Italian Republic
The Festival in 2004 was part of the Genoa European Capital
of Culture 2004 programme and has been an important
European appointment for public awareness of the scientific
culture, with prominent international participation: for this
reason the event has been officially recognised by the European
Union under the European Science Week (ESW) through the European
network Esciential.
What's more, the scientific-didactic exhibition "The wonders
of science" presented exhibits proposed by students from
various parts of the world.
This has been a unique opportunity, therefore, for an exchange
between scientists and the public on issues which interest the
whole of society, a new path through science for having fun
while experimenting and discovering many phenomena of daily
life, an innovative way for developing and promoting cooperation
between European countries.
The Festival, devised and launched by INFM-CNR (Istituto Nazionale
per la Fisica della Materia - the National Institute for the
Physics of Matter) and "Codice. Idee per la Cultura"
is organised by the Associazione
Festival della Scienza with the support of various public
and private bodies and institutions, and has a very high
profile scientific council.
an abstract of the 2004 programme
Click here
to download the programme (PDF, 388 KB) |