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Third Bioastronomy Day Looking for Other Civilisations: the SETI Program
Yvan Dutil, Claudio Maccone, Stelio Montebugnoli, Paolo Musso
Life beyond Earth has always been one of the most fascinating topics mankind has ever marvelled at. After the introductory event in 2005 and the 2006 edition specifically devoted to Bioastronomy, the SETI program will be intensified this year. The SETI projects are devoted to the quest for possible radio signals from other civilizations. Stelio Montebugnoli, chairman of SETI Italia, will present the SETI program from a scientific and technological point of view, Claudio Maccone, member of the SETI Permanent Study Group of the International Astronautics Academy, will talk about its history; finally, the Canadian astronomer Yvan Dutil, who has transmitted the only real message (i.e. not merely demonstrative) intentionally sent into space till now, will explain the method he used to create interstellar communication without having any information about either the language or any other characteristic of his possible interlocutor.
from 15 years old
Magazzini del Cotone, sala Scirocco e Libeccio, modulo 9, terzo piano via Magazzini del Cotone - Area Porto Antico
Scheduled 28.10 14:30-16:30
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