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The Witches' Kitchen

Paolo Fabbri, Giulio Giorello, Stefano Moriggi, Doriana Rodino, Luca Zucchi

Halloween, a celebration imported from the U.S.A. and considered foreign to our culture, is a source of inspiration and fascination. It leads us into a fantastic world, populated by witches: but what did they really use to cook? And where did this type of food preparation, which we can define as “cooking of scraps” originate? Professor Paolo Fabbri will describe witches’ recipes. Topics will include: the Borgias’ poison, explained by professor Luca Zucchi; poisonous mushrooms in Pliny the Elder’s studies; Vikings and witches, analysed by Doriana Rodino, a member of the association “Il quinto regno”(“The fifth kingdom”); Triora’s witches, studied by Stefano Moriggi; and Witches in Shakespeare, explained by Giulio Giorello.

We would like to thank the mycological Association "The Fifth Kingdom" of Pavia.

for everybody

Bicu: fabbrica della birra & cucina
Magazzini del Cotone, Modulo 4 - Area Porto Antico

Scheduled 30.10 11:00-12:30

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