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A new diagnostic support system for paediatric medicine

Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Alok Gupta, Giacomo Pongiglione, Yannis Ioannidis, Dorin Comaniciu, David Manset, Alessandro Verri, Gianfranco Bottazzo, Allan Everett

“Health-e-Child" is an integrated research project, funded under the Sixth Framework Program of the European Union, which aims to develop a computerised clinical support system for diagnosis and research in paediatrics. It is based on the vertical integration of data and knowledge of a biomedical nature: from case histories to diagnostic imaging, from genetics to epidemiology to clinical practice, through disease modelling and the creation of automatic systems of knowledge discovery.
Coordinated centrally by Siemens AG (Germany) and, on a clinical level, by the Gaslini Institute of Genoa, Health-e-child seeks to become a vehicle through which paediatricians can gain access to data and evaluate biomedical information - an indispensable tool for daily clinical practice, for the decision making process and for research activities.
The project will be presented by leading authorities, Italian and international experts and representatives of institutions participating in the project.

from 15 years old

Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio
P.zza Matteotti

Scheduled 27.10 09:00-12:30

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